

ponad rok temu  30.10.2019, ~ Administrator - ,   Czas czytania 5

Targi Automechanika na świecie w 2020 roku
Strona 2 z 2

Automechanika Shanghai
grudzień 2020

Automechanika Shanghai continues to shatter records at the National Exhibition & Convention Center (Shanghai),
China: The 2018 edition continues the upward climb with a 15 percent increase in visitors (all in all around 151,000 visitors) and a four percent increase in exhibitors (all in all 6,269 exhibitors). The next show will take place from 3 to 6 December 2019 at National Exhibition and Convention Center.

More information: automechanika-shanghai.hk.messefrankfurt.com

W sprawie szczegółow prosimy o kontakt z Dorotą Idzikowską tel .+22 4943 201
lub Dorota.Idzikowska@poland.messefrankfurt.com

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